first and foremost for fun and friends
but other than that
A paintball tournament is where I feel most alive
this is something I was writing about the other night
a lot of it might not make sense to anybody who wasn't there but I'll put it up here anyway
life to me:
life to me is a long ride to get to the game, it is 3:00 am fire alarms in the skydome hotel the night before finals,
it is a doughnut orgy in Fla.
it is pit beef sandwiches in Maryland.
it is being so tired and filthy at the end of a day playing that you can get away with just about anything at the hotel after words because you must appear completely insane to the staff.
it is 600 fields in 600 cities and 600 different hotel rooms in cities that you have never been to before. and just before everybody falls asleep it's "TELL ME A STORY" as you are beaten by your 10 team mates that have shoe horned themselves into a room the size of a closet.
it is 3....2....1..... TEN SECONDS!!! and for some reason that ten seconds last a lifetime.
it is dive bars up and down the east coast
It is flying back home after a tourny and hoping you get home in time to catch the dropkick murphys show
it is making the finals at Skyball by one point
life to me is calling your girlfriend from 2,000 miles away and trying to convince her that you really do love her even though work only permits you to see her on the weekends and alot of those have to be used for practice, scrimages, tourneys, team meetings, and machine work for other players.
it is seeing your team name or picture in the magazines for the first time and after that waiting none to patiently for them to come to your door just to see if you are in it again

it is the feeling you get right before the game starts when everybody has a hand in and you look at your team mates and know that there is nowhere else you would rather be
writen by me in 2003
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